Negro T15 15x20mm Apertura Interior Cadena Portacable de Arrastre para Equipos de Automatización

The T15 semi-enclosed type interior opening 15×20 drag chain is a cable carrier system that is commonly used in various industrial applications to protect and manage wires and cables. It has a semi-enclosed design that provides partial protection to cables while still allowing for easy access and cable installation.

  • Tipo: 15X20
  • Modelo: sin abrir
  • Tamaño interior: 15X20
  • Tamaño exterior: 20x30
  • Doblar el radio: R28,R38,R48
  • Material: PA66
  • MOQ: 1 metro

15×20 Micro Drag Chain

This plastic drag chain helps to reduce friction on cables during operation, extending their lifespan. The 15×20 drag chain has a size of 15mm width by 20mm height, making it ideal for small equipment and tight spaces.

Información sobre parámetros:

Inner size:15X20

Outer size:20×30

Bending Radium:R28,R38,R48



The T15 semi-enclosed type interior opening 15×20 drag chain is a cable carrier system that is commonly used in various industrial applications to protect and manage wires and cables. It has a semi-enclosed design that provides partial protection to cables while still allowing for easy access and cable installation.

The 15×20 drag chain is designed to prevent tangling, kinking, and other cable damage during operation, ensuring that cables are protected and managed efficiently. Its compact size makes it an ideal solution for applications where space is limited, and its interior opening design ensures that cables can be easily accessed and maintained.

The T15 semi-enclosed type interior opening drag chain is commonly used in CNC machines, machine tools, 3D printers, and robotics, as well as in other equipment where cables need to be protected and managed. Its bridge type design provides a high level of support and stability to cables during movement, making it ideal for use in applications with high speed or frequent movements.

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