Спиральные ленты для обертывания DUWAI

◆ Material: made from PE. ◆ Usage: fix one end with safety belt first, then circle the wires clockwise to make them tighen. ◆ Application: a protection wear for electric wires, and make them insulat

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◆ Material: made from PE. ◆ Usage: fix one end with safety belt first, then circle the wires clockwise to make them tighen. ◆ Application: a protection wear for electric wires, and make them insulation and look nice.

Item NO. Inner diameter D) (mm) Outer diameter P) (mm) Thread pitch (W) (mm) Wrapping Range (mm) Упаковка
SWB-03 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5-10 10M/ROLL
SWB-06 4 6 7.0 4-50
SWB-08 6 8 10.8 6-60
SWB-10 7.5 10 11.4 7.5-60
SWB-12 9 12 13.9 9-65
SWB-15 12 15 15.0 12-75
SWB-19 15 19 18.2 15-100
SWB-24 20 24 19.6 20-130
SWB-30 26 30 43.0 26-150

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